Thursday, March 12, 2015

Album Review: Niel (Teentop) "oNIELy"

This is a very late post, I've been really busy lately. I'm sorry Niel. This is still purely based on my music preferences and taste, so no hating please.

FACTS: I am a new Angel (Teentop fan). I became a fan last year (2014), while watching Weekly Idol Episode 115 "Teentop - Rocking" - Random Play Dance. Bias: Chunji. Bias Wrecker: Niel.

Since he is my Teentop Bias Wrecker, there is no way I won't make a review on his very first solo mini album. Truth is, I've been listening to this album since its release and have taken some notes on what I think of this album. So without making this later than it is, shall we start?

The album opens with, Only You a slow R&B-ish track. To me, this song sounded so sexy that it reminded me of Usher's Nice n Slow and Chris Brown's Take Me Down. It really sounded sexual to me (but in a good way of course) that I sometimes daydream of Niel singing this song in front of me while sexy dancing (Haha), well this song is about making love anyway, so I guess my feelings towards this song is somehow appropriate right? I also like how his voice just rides and flows with the song's beat, especially those whispers, "ahh's" and "oh yeah's", it's so freaking sexy to hear. For me this song, left a good impression and what to expect from the album, those others think that it was a weak opening track for it lacks the usual "umpft" that we hear in Teentop's albums or from what we usually hear from Niel himself, I really think this song left a good impression that our favorite mudskipper has now bloomed into a sexy manly namja. 

Lovekiller, the album's title track. The song started out with Niel's soft voice accompanied by an acoustic guitar, then it gradually catches up to a more upbeat tempo which I think made the song interesting. I know, this is not the newest trick in the box, but to me it's one of the songs who gave justice in using this technique, that it added flavor and swag that really matches the mood of the song and the choreography as well (thumbs up to those MJ inspired steps as well). The lyrics were also good and clever, and of course his voice is perfection. The only thing that threw me off with this song is the rap part; it didn't ruin the song but it also didn't made the song better. For me this song was already beautiful even without the rap part.

Affogato, a pre-released bittersweet breakup song featuring Teentop's leader, CAP. When I first heard and saw this on Youtube, I immediately googled on what this song is about and what is an "Affogato". It turns out, Affogato is an Italian ice cream dessert with an espresso topping, and that it reflects on the song's message which is the bitterness of a breakup like the dessert. I really love the lyrics of this song and how it was written, I feel like Niel was really telling me his heartbreaking story, like I was walking with him in that cafe. I also like his vocals here, it has those Niel falsetto's mixed with his sweet voice, which makes this song refreshing to the ears. This is definitely one of my top tracks in this album.

When I saw the teaser photos for this album, I know this will be MJ inspired and boom, I was right. Lady, an all the way MJ inspired track featuring another Teentop member/rapper, L.Joe. To me this song is once again one of those MJ copycats that we always hear from artists whose musical influence is MJ. Well, I'm not hating on the song, in fact I think its one of those MJ copycat songs that sounded really good and hella addicting. I like its beat and his vocals which I think really sounded a little MJ-ish. I also like L. Joe's rap part, because unlike what Dok2 did in Lovekiller, L.Joe rap did not killed the mood that the song has and I also think that part gave me a breather from all those Niel's MJ like singing. One last thing, I really think this song has a similar sound on Crush's Hey Baby featuring Zion T.

After a very upbeat track, Niel once again slows it down with a sweet and tempting "cheating" inspired track in Call Me. Yes, its about cheating. Based on my understanding of the song's lyrics, Niel was trying to persuade the girl to call him whenever she feels lonely or if her current boyfriend hurts her, that he will always pick up and be there for her, and that the girl should keep their little rendezvous a secret first, so I guess it's about cheating right? Aside from its very tempting lyrics, I also like how his sweet vocals compliments the beat smoothly. At some point when I first heard of this track, I really thought it was a Teentop song that I missed on their Exito album, this track to me gives off that Teentop feels to it.

Niel continues to slow it down with another slow to mid tempo track Epilogue. If Call Me was about cheating, well this time I think the so called "forbidden relationship" hit rock bottom as this song was about breaking up. Well of course, I just assumed and made up a story in my tiny little head that the girl she was trying to get in Call Me, really became his girlfriend and after some time of being in love with each other, they just fell apart, thus this song was made. (Tap on my back for making this up HAHA). Aside from its sad meaning, this track made me feel like I'm waiting for more, that I'm hanging for a little bit, it even made me think "That's it? Was it over?". I don;t know I just feel like it's an unfinished track for me.

And last but definitely not the least track from oNIELy, Song of an Angel. Honestly, when I first heard this song, I was a little annoyed for I can't clearly hear what he was saying and he sounded like he's mumbling and just randomly whispering korean phrases to me. But as I continue to listen to it, my heart and ears gradually opens to listen to his soft voice, it's like he's singing me a lullaby to sleep. In this song, Niel portrays himself as an angel who is looking after a person who is very dear to him, and for some weird reason, I think this song was his little way of thanking Angel's (Teentop's fans) for always being there for them, and that he wants to reciprocate that love through this song. I know its not very cheesy and like straight to your face "Thank you and I love you Angel", but for me, this song really touched the "Angel (Only Teentop) part of my heart. I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking things, maybe he was just randomly singing it for another person. Uggh! Anyway, I also think this song is a good ending track for this EP.

 Overall, I'm giving this a 7/10. Truth is, I guess I expected way to much from Niel, but I still think this is a good EP. I see myself listening to this from time to time especially the title track, I just can't get enough of Niel's MJ moves and he's voice was really perfect in that song. The whole album itself, gives off a very relaxing vibe, where I can see myself listening to this while sipping a cup of coffee on a lazy afternoon or when I'm just too lazy to get off my bed. Though, it didn't quite reach my expectation, I still hope this is only the beginning of Niel's solo career, coz honestly, even though I am a Chunji bias, I really love Niel's voice, it's really sweet, soft and nice to my ears. Everytime I hear him singing it's like his flirting with my ears. Haha. I hope next time, his next EP will have different flavors it in, not just slow and sad ones, add more fun in it like what "Lady" has. And lastly a TEENTOP comeback soon please.

A's recommended tracks: "Lovekiller", "Affogato" "Lady". 

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